Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sharing Some Thoughts On Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!

I leave for the airport very soon to fly to Budapest, where I will meet two of my sons, Ti and Tim. We will spend a few days together in Budapest, and then Ti and I will make the 12-hour drive to Craiova, Romania, where he lives for part of each year with his wife, Raluca, and their two children, Laurelin and Ahmet. We will spend time with Raluca’s extended family. The trip and the reunion will be a wonderful Christmas gift to one another, and will be a great way to cap 2005 and usher in the New Year.

So, on this beautiful Christmas morning in Boston, before heading to my family reunion, I want to share a few thoughts.

I spent the final hours of Christmas Eve in Boston’s historic and inspiring Trinity Church in Copley Square. I arrived early for the 11:00 PM service, and was able to sit quietly and reflect. The usually hectic pace of life slowed to a gentle amble - long enough for me to enjoy the luminous spectacle of the candles that bedecked the sanctuary flickering hypnotically from the flow of air and people into the building as individuals and families found themselves drawn to a place where they could corporately worship and celebrate once again the miracle of the Savior’s birth.

The music was worshipful and spectacularly beautiful; the liturgy was apt – both solemn and jubilant; the sermon was simple and uplifting; the celebration of the Eucharist in such a perfect setting touched all of the five senses - as well as the spirit - and made tangibly real the truth of His Incarnation – “Immanuel” – God with us.

In a short while, I will embark on a long journey that will have me sitting for many hours on several airplanes – but the miles and hours will fly because on the other side of the Atlantic at the end of my journey will be warm greetings and hugs and kisses. Long ago, Mary and Joseph faced a long and much more arduous journey. It was a trek that ended – not in a warm welcome by loved ones – but in a cold reception by strangers and hastily arranged overflow housing in a cold stable. Into such humble surroundings the Lord chose to interject Himself personally into human history. And now, for those who choose to welcome Him, we are privileged to stable Him in our hearts.

For those of you who share my Christian faith, enjoy this most special of all days, and spread His love to family, friends and strangers - who are potentially “friends we have not yet met.”

For my many friends and readers whose faith is different than mine, I offer you my prayers and wishes for God’s rich blessing upon you and your family at this special time of year.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Merry Christmas Al! It's Kelly from Chili's! I found your blog address in my apron and promised myself I would come and see what you've been writing about. It's beautiful so far and I've only read the first blog. I shall try and continue reading more!
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday my dear world traveler!
