Sunday, May 11, 2008

To NDA or not to NDA: The Relevance of Non Disclosure Agreements – by Acceleration Partners

My friends, Bob Glazer and Jason Henrichs, operate Acceleration Partners, a consulting practice that helps start-up companies with business plans, strategy, marketing and operational issues. Their recent Quarterly Newsletter contained an article that really resonated with me. With permission from Bob and Jason, I am pleased to share it with the readers of the White Rhino Report. The gist of the article is completely consistent with advice I have heard offered on many occasions by my friend, Bill Reagan. Bill is the inventor and Founding CEO of LoJack. He is generous in giving of his time and sharing his wisdom and experience with young inventors and entrepreneurs. That advice often echoes the ideas expressed by Bob and Jason.

Here is an excerpt from the newsletter article:

“As a prominent venture capitalist once said at a conference I attended ‘We don’t consider ideas proprietary, we consider execution proprietary.’ Make sure that you focus your business on the ‘how we do’ as much as the ‘what we do’.”

This sentiment is very similar to one that the author, John Irving, expressed to me in discussing fledgling novelists and their attempts to get publishers interested in their work by sending an outline of the proposed novel. Irving said: “A publisher does not want to hear about how you are going to tell the story; he wants to read the story itself.” It is always about execution!

I encourage you to read the full article and the rest of the Acceleration Partners newsletter:

Acceleration Partners Newsletter


If you operate a young company and could use help in accelerating the company's growth, I know of no one better to help with that process that my friends at Acceleration Partners.


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