Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Save The Date - Saturday, October 22, 2011 - IntersXtion 3 (Intersection Cubed)

IntersXtion 3 (Intersection Cubed)

Many people have been asking about the next Intersection event. I am pleased to report that we have nailed down the date of Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the same location as Intersection 2.0 - The wonderful NERD - Microsoft's New England Research and Development Center in Kendall Square.

Details to follow over the next few months, but you can be sure there will be a lot of content around the issues of leadership, what motivates us (using Daniel Pink's "Drive"), how to build and create with excellence.

The Red Sox may be in the World Series that weekend, but who better to celebrate with than the White Rhino Intersection community!

Block the date in your calendar.



  1. Awesome Al! Where do we sign up :-)

  2. No sign-up ready yet, but mark the date on yor calendar. You will hear more as things dwevelop. I will also ask you to help in the planning and executon, if you are willing.

  3. Can't wait to get started with this thing!
