Monday, September 07, 2015

Mini-Review of "How To Think Like A CEO" by D.A. Benton - A Practical and Prosaic Guide for Business Leaders

D. A. (Debra) Benton offers a very practical and prosaic look at what it takes to make a successful CEO.  "How To Think Like A CEO" is based on interviews with a large number of Chief Executive Officers. The author has distilled down to 22 traits the recipe for success in the corner office.  Much of what is contained in these 450+ pages is a lot of common sense and commonly understood principles, but it never hurts to be reminded of what is true and what works.

Throughout the book, Ms. Benton uses the metaphor that the trip up the corporate ladder to the highest office is analogous to climbing a mountain - using the right equipment, picking the right path, planning the expedition, etc.  It is an apt metaphor, and created helpful visual imagery. The author is quick to point out that even if one does not aspire to become a CEO, knowing how a CEO thinks and acts can only help one to advance - or at least to avoid getting fired.

This is not the most profound book on business leadership I have read.  I think of it in the category of "Thinking Like A CEO For Dummies."  There is value here, but it will not change the world.



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