Thursday, November 12, 2015

Review of "A Ghost in the Darkness" by Jonathan Kiper - A True Tale of Murder in Stratham, New Hampshire

In writing "A Ghost In the Darkness - A True Story of Murder in Stratham, New Hampshire,"  Jonathan Kiper offers a haunting tale that is part memoir, part coming-of-age tale, part murder mystery and part cri de coeur. When Mr. Kiper was a teenager living in the town of Stratham on New Hampshire's bucolic Seacoast, one of his neighbors was killed.  Vicki Bader's brutal murder dominated the local headlines, until her ex-husband, Seth Bader, was convicted of the crime.

Over the years, several people well known to Mr. Kiper came forward to indicate that perhaps Mr. Bader was not indeed Vicki's killer  This book tells of the efforts of Mr. Kiper and others to try to get the case re-opened and new evidence considered.  He has hit a stone wall.  His commitment to a sense of justice has compelled him to offer this book as a way of enlisting others who may have knowledge of what happened.

As the tale of murder and its aftermath unfolds in this book, Jonathan Kiper is transparent in talking about his own coming of age process as he and his neighborhood friends have learned to deal with the frustrations of dealing with an intransigent bureaucracy and system of justice.

He is to be commended for his honest and moving portrayal of what it was like to lose his innocence in being close to a murder and to be caught up in some of the events that occurred subsequent to Vicki Bader's death.

The book comes with my strong recommendation.  Read it, and join Mr. Kiper in seeking truth and justice in this baffling case.

The book can be ordered through or through his website:

To order the book through Lulu


Al Chase

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