Monday, January 07, 2019

"The Leader's Guide To Mindfulness" by Audrey Tang - How To Use Soft Skills To Get Hard Results

The topic of Mindfulness has been - well - on everyone's mind in this millennium. Each author, speaker, and guru seems to have his or her own definition of exactly what mindfulness is. As a core practice of Buddhism, the concept of Mindfulness has been around for centuries. Author Audrey Tang offers her opinion that the practitioner ought not worry too much about having a firm definition of Mindfulness, but should be willing to use any technique or practice that brings tangible results.

This is a very practical and pragmatic book. The subtitle gives a good overview of the author's intent:"How to use soft skills to get hard results." The three major sections of the book are entitled: Practical Applications, Personal Applications, and Mindful Growth. In each chapter, Dr. Tang offers templates or scripts for guided meditation specific to the topic at hand.

A chapter I found particularly helpful delineates the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making. The different mindset needed for each of the two distinct situations is carefully explained. In the next chapter, she explores the key differences between Creativity and Innovation.

This book serves as a helpful handbook for anyone committed to becoming more self-aware, more present, more emotionally available, and more productive, using techniques steeped in Eastern practices of relaxation and meditation.



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