Sunday, August 18, 2019

"Elevate" by Robert Glazer - Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others

Two years ago, Robert Glazer published "Performance Partnerships," a book that drew on his broad experience as a thought leader in the Affiliate Marketing world.

See the White Rhino Report review below:

White Rhino Report Review of "Performance Partnerships

With his latest book, "Elevate," Bob widens the aperture of his lens to look at four ways in which any person can increase their capacity to live - and to lead - in an integrated way. The four realms are spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional. Many of the ideas that the author shares are not new to anyone who has been paying attention to the evolving worlds of commerce and wellness. But he presents these familiar ideas in a simple template that is refreshing and accessible, offering concrete Action Steps to take in applying the principles of each chapter. He shares personal experiences, and the stories of others who have struggled to elevate their capacity to perform in each of these areas. He shares ideas from other authors whom he has come to respect, especially Carol Dwek's "Mindset," and Anglea Duckworth's "Grit."

He generously thanks many who have contributed to his own journey toward integration of these four kinds of capacity. I was humbled and pleasantly surprised when I turned the page to find his recollection of a lunch that he and I had shared a few years ago. Bob was wrestling with a sense of satisfaction with his current role and current company.

"Later that year, I went to lunch with my friend, Al Chase. During lunch I shared with him my situation and why I felt that the responsible choice was to stay for a few years to gain operating experience and prove I was not a job hopper.

Al listened and then looked me square in the eye and said, 'My friend, I give you permission to leave.' Seeing the confused look on my face, he explained his advice. 'You have got to do what's right for you.'

This was a pivotal moment for me and a great example of how to inspire someone by pushing them outside their comfort zone ... Al's advice turned a lightbulb on in my head: I had accepted the middle lane and put what I wanted most on hold. I wasn't learning and I wasn't getting better. My capacity had plateaued." (page 40)

I share this passage for several reasons. First, it reveals Bob's generosity of spirit in acknowledging the many individuals who have contributed to his growth and success over the ears. I also share it because it reveals what Seth Godin would call a "Free Prize Inside," Hidden beneath the surface of Glazer's sharing is the heuristic that when we reach out to help others, we are also helping ourselves. The teacher learners as he teaches.The mentor gains wisdom as she shares two way dialogue with her mentee. I recall that lunch conversation as vividly as does Bob, and I recall being inspired by Bob's intellectual curiosity and his courage to consider moving out of his comfort zone. we both walkedaway from the encounter having been filled by more than the luncheon fare.

In keeping with this principle of mutual benefit, allow me to suggest that this book could be used as a Swiss Army Knife with several blades. Buy a copy for yourself and work through the Actions Steps at the end of each chapter. Then, buy in bulk and begin to share this treasure with those whose development you are willing to invest in - your staff, your clients, your families. The holidays are fast approaching, and this book would make a terrific gift. (The official release date is October 1. You can pre-order now on

As you Elevate yourself, I invite you to also Elevate those you care about.



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