Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Human Face – A Veterans’ Day Tribute in Memory of Josh Picard, USMC

My friend, Lee Lanselle, has made me aware of a very moving series of articles that are currently running in the Merced Sun-Star. The 13-part series, entitled “The War Comes to Merced shares stories of how citizens of Merced, California have been impacted by the War on Terror. These stories serve as a microcosm of the thousands of stories that could be told of how families and communities across the fifty states have felt the ripple effect of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Writer Mike Thorpe has done an admirable job of putting one more human face to the numbing statistics of lives lost and warriors wounded in battle.

I commend to you this opening article in the series that will run twice a week though December.

Let us continue to pray for those who serve and reach out in concrete ways to those who are returning – and to the families of those who will never return.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Outstanding story which leaves you with the impression of what a great young American this Marine was. It is moving and causes you to pause and appreciate that you are alive, and makes you want to make a significant difference in the world.
