Saturday, May 15, 2010

Faith and Prosperity Nexus - Andreas Widmer's Blog

I am pleased to make readers of The White Rhino Report aware of a wonderful Blog offered by my good friend, Andreas Widmer.

" provides commentary on enterprise solutions to poverty that are faith-based and faith-inspired. This blog explores topics that touch on the intersection of entrepreneurship and faith.

I invite you to share with me FEBSP projects and your thoughts on the matter so this can become an interactive space. Although my blog is non-denominational and I am searching for examples of enterprise solutions to poverty from all religious traditions, keep in mind that my own perspective is from within the Catholic faith.

About Andreas Widmer

Andreas Widmer is the co-founder of the SEVEN Fund, a non-profit run by entrepreneurs whose strategy is to markedly increase the rate of innovation and diffusion of enterprise-based solutions to poverty

Widmer is a seasoned business executive in high-tech and, more recently, in international business strategy consulting and economic development. He was an executive in residence at Highland Capital Partners, a venture capital firm. Prior to that, he helped lead OTF Group (formerly part of the Monitor Group), Eprise Corporation, Dragon Systems and FTP Software. Widmer has worked extensively in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin Americas, and has brought more than 100 leading-edge technology products to market.

During his career, Widmer has participated in the early stage of several successful startup companies. His current projects include advising high technology and medical device startup companies on strategy, venture capital and angel fund-raising efforts.

Widmer is an author who recently contributed two chapters to the book In the River They Swim: Essays from Around the World on Enterprise Solutions to Poverty. He regularly writes on issues of entrepreneurship, economic development and spirituality. Widmer has authored articles and been featured in various business and general interest media including the Financial Times, Bloomberg News, Sky TV, Kigali Times, FastCompany, and Catholic Digest. He is frequently interviewed or featured in media outlets such as Catholic TV, Ave Maria Radio, National Catholic Register, Legatus Magazine, Christian Family Today, The Boston Pilot, EWTN, and others.

Widmer served as a Pontifical Swiss Guard from 1986-1988, protecting Pope John Paul II. He has lectured widely on the lessons he learned from his personal experiences with JPII and from his own in-depth reading and study of the pope’s large body of writings. He holds two business degrees from Switzerland, a B.S in International Business from Merrimack College and an MA in Ministry from St. John’s Seminary in Boston. As a result of his studies and work experience, Widmer is multilingual, speaking English, German, Italian and French.

Widmer serves on a number of international and local charitable boards. In his spare time, Widmer loves to spend time with his family and enjoys fly-fishing, skiing, and reading.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    You didn't mentioned anything on Prosperity NExus
