Thursday, October 28, 2010

Author Robert Kroese - Mini-Review of "The Force Is Middling in This One" + Re-Release of "Mercury Falls"

I really enjoy the writing of Rob "Diesel" Kroese. A year ago, I reviewed his "Mercury Falls."

Review of "Mercury Falls"

I have just learned from Rob that has re-released the book this week.

Amazon Link

I have recently finished reading his most recent release, "The Force is Middling in This One (And Other Ruminations from the Outskirts of the Empire)." The book is a wonderful amalgamation of previously published postings from his Blog - The subject matter is an eclectic potpourri that left me laughing. A good example is his piece on how absurdly unsingable is the Christmas Carol, "The First Noel." I quote Kroese:

"If it were not for 'Hey Jude,' old Noel would still be on the hook for Most Needless Repetition of a Name in a Song." (Page 193)

His rant about not testing shampoo on animals will make your hair stand on end! I loved his piece on Spam being found on the Periodic Chart of elements.

If you like the sardonic humor of Christopher Moore, the Kroese is your cup of tea.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words and continued support, Al!
