Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hybels Raises His Voice about God's Whispering - Review of "The Power of a Whisper"

Over the years, I have been the recipient of many blessings as a result of the ministry of Bill Hybels and his team at Willow Creek Community Church. I have read many of Hybels' books and grown thereby. I have attended worship at Willow and participated in a service of baptism in which a close friend was being baptized. I have watched as that same friend grew in his faith as a result of several ministry initiatives at Willow, and saw him grow in his commitment to serving others through Willow Creek endeavors as far afield as Africa.

Hybels' latest book offering is "The Power of a Whisper - Hearing God - Having the Guts to Respond." I received this book in the mail within a couple of days of having heard Pastor Hybels speak in NYC as part of the recent Movement Day. His message from the platform that day echoed much of what he has written in this book. The message is both simple and profound: God has always been in the habit of communicating directly to His people; we should still be listening to and responding to that "still, small voice."

Using a variety of personal anecdotes, biblical and historical references and the testimonies of contemporary men and women of faith, Hybels has assembled a challenging and inspiring set of vignettes and reflections. This is a book I plan to give away to encourage others.

Here, in Hybels' own words, is the crux of his thesis: "The ability to discern divine direction has saved me from a life of sure boredom and self-destruction. God's well-timed words have redirected my path, rescued me from temptation, and re-energized me during some of my deepest moments of despair."

This book will be equally helpful to those who are solidly established on the path of following God, and to those whose path is more that of spiritual doubt and searching. Hybels' transparency in sharing some of his own missteps along the way makes the book all the more powerful and the author all the more accessible.

File this book under "must read." I say this - not in a whisper - but in a shout!


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