Monday, January 04, 2016

Review of "Chief of Staff" by Tyler Parris - The Strategic Partner Who Will Revolutionize Your Organization

In writing "Chief of Staff," Tyler Parris has filled an enormous hole that has existed in terms of practical information about the role of Chief of Staff in the business world.  The book is a Must Read for any senior executive currently using a Chief of Staff, anyone who is considering creating such a role in their organization, and anyone working in this role.  It is a very pragmatic and well written overview of the role and of the many permutations of the role that exist today;

I few years ago some clients of my consulting and coaching practice began asking for my help in optimizing their existing Chief of Staff roles.  As I began to search for information about best practices, I learned that here was little useful that had been written about the Chief of Staff role in the business world.  So, I took the anecdotal information that I had amassed and wrote a White Paper entitled "Chief of Staff - A Force Multiplier."

Blog piece with White Paper update

In his preparation for writing this book, Mr. Parris discovered my White Paper, read it and was gracious enough to interview me.  He has wisely taken his own personal experience serving as a Chief of Staff and supplemented that knowledge with deep research and scores of interviews.  The resulting book is a comprehensive look at this often misunderstood role.  The author examines the history of the role, the kinds of individuals who best fill the role, deliverables, best practices, and much more,  Each chapter concludes with a short workbook section to prompt personal reflection and growth.

I have already ordered several copies of this book to pass along to senior executives and Chiefs of Staff with whom I am working.



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