Thursday, September 19, 2019

"Smoke and Water" by Tai Le Grice - A Moving Coming of Age Story about Overcoming Personal Tragedy and Homophobia

Author Tai Le Grice has penned a  moving novel that tells the story of Eike Nylund. A star athlete, he was at swim practice when a fire swept through the family home and killed his parents and siblings, He arrived at home as it was being engulfed in flames. He foolishly and heroically rushed into the inferno, hoping to save family members. He ended up being severely burned, and spent weeks in a hospital burn unit recovering physically. The scars on his back were visible, but less visible were the emotional scars of survivor guilt. He was taken in by his loving and supportive grandparents, but abandoned swimming - until he met Damon King, Captain of the college swim team.

Damon not only became his support for re-engaging with the world of swimming, but became a close and cherished friend. Their friendship began to develop into something more intimate, but Damon's powerful father made sure that a message was sent that his son was not to be seen as a homosexual. Men were sent to beat up Damon, who ended up back in the hospital. And Damon disappeared, living under virtual house arrest to keep him from Eike.

The narrative explores the levels of courage that both Eike and Damon needed to discover in order to persevere in their lives and in their love. The story is filled with clearly drawn characters of several generations. It is a moving and well-written Coming of Age saga that speaks to its intended Youth Adult audience and beyond. The circumstances described in "Smoke and Water" are drawn from fictionalized interpretations of the stories of real individuals the author has known. It is an inspiring tale of courage against tough odds, with characters surviving despite being thrown into the proverbial deep end of the pool.


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