Wednesday, November 06, 2019

"Building Blocks" by Gary Shamis - Case Studies of a Serial Entrepreneur

Author Gary Shamis has written a memoir of his experiences as an entrepreneur over the course of several decades. The resulting book is both instructive and inspiring. The book is offered in two parts. The first section deals with the stories of his role in building eight different businesses and organizations. One of the things I most appreciate about this writer's voice and style is the generous and effusive praise he offers to those who have helped him and encouraged him in is entrepreneurial journey. The enterprises he has led over the years include accounting firms, trade organizations, consultancies, non-profits, and civic organizations.

The second half of the book chronicles specific lessons the author has learned during his career. Among those chapters, these stand out:

  • Passion, Patience, and Commitment
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Accountability
  • People, People, People
  • Transparency

Shamis demonstrates that transparency as he takes responsibility for mistakes he made along the way, and then details how he applied the lessons learned from those mistakes in subsequent endeavors. It is clear that the author has made a lasting contribution to scores of businesses, organizations, foundations, the state of Ohio, Hillel at Kent State, the profession of accounting, and realms beyond. With those building blocks, he has erected a lasting legacy.



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