Monday, October 21, 2019

"Running With My Head Down" by Frank V. Fiume III - An Entrepreneur's Story of Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose

I am usually not a fan of the typical self-help book. I find the majority of them shallow and formulaic. Frank V. Fiume III has penned a memoir and self-help book that breaks the mold. I was captivated and inspired by his story. I think part of what made me like his style of writing is his transparency and self-deprecating sense of sharing the mistakes he has made along the road to success in the business world.

Fiume defied the odds by starting a new softball league in a part of Long Island that appeared to already be saturated with similar leagues. Most people told him he was crazy to try to compete - there were no fields available, the competition was already well established. But taking inspiration from the teachings of Tony Robbins, he took the plunge. While paying the bills by working as a medical device salesman, he launched a league that eventually grew into i9 Sports - "the nation's first and leading franchisor of youth leagues and camps."

Frank provides just enough detail to give a clear picture of the risks that he had to take, the bumps along the road, the moments of terror and discouragement, and the lessons learned through trail and error. The primary lesson for any discerning reader is that it is worth whatever price you have to pay to pursue your dream as long as you have the right support - from your spouse and from one or more mentors, and have a clear sense of your purpose.

This entrepreneur's story of "passion, perseverance, and purpose" is in a league of its own.



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