As Congress continues to wrangle over budgetary concerns, I have some good news to share about some positive ways that our tax dollars are being invested. I recently spent time on the West Point campus, visiting with friends, including Major Jason Wayne, Operations Officer for the unique Center for Company-Level Leaders. CCL started out as a grass roots initiative by young Army captains to share best practices, known as ww.companycommand.com. After initially trying to squash this effort, the Army thought better of their opposition and brought the fledgling operation into the Army tent as part of its training regimen. During my visit to the CCL, Maj. Wayne introduced me to Colonel Peter Kilner, one of the visionaries who conceived of the concept of using recent battlefield experience to help train young company commanders and platoon leaders. The center is engaged in a fascinating form of knowledge management that uses a variety of interactive learning modalities to bring the realities of the battlefield to Wet Point cadets and other young officers in the making. Small groups of cadets are show videos of real world situation that have developed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The group is led by a battle-tested facilitator through a series of "what would you do?" discussions, and then they are shown how the situation was handled in real time on the battle field.
In addition to the training videos, CCL publishes books like "A Platoon Leader Tour," a compilation of reflections by platoons leaders during a year-long deployment in Iraq. The candor of these young officers is striking, and very helpful in giving cadets a sense of what they will face once they graduate. A similar book is offered to Company Commanders, "Taking the Guidon."
Our nation already boasts the best trained Army in the world. The efforts of CCL will ensure that we continue to build on this success and to improve upon it using the lessons being learned across the globe. I feel as if my tax dollars are being well spent.
(Click on the title to access the CCL website.)
In addition to the training videos, CCL publishes books like "A Platoon Leader Tour," a compilation of reflections by platoons leaders during a year-long deployment in Iraq. The candor of these young officers is striking, and very helpful in giving cadets a sense of what they will face once they graduate. A similar book is offered to Company Commanders, "Taking the Guidon."
Our nation already boasts the best trained Army in the world. The efforts of CCL will ensure that we continue to build on this success and to improve upon it using the lessons being learned across the globe. I feel as if my tax dollars are being well spent.
(Click on the title to access the CCL website.)
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Center for Company-level Leaders (CCL)
We are a growing network of leaders who are sold out to the cause of serving platoon leaders and company commanders across the Army.
Our vision is to connect leaders in conversation about leading Soldiers and building combat-effective teams, with the direct purpose of improving leader effectiveness and, from a larger perspective, advancing our profession.

Welcome to your professional forum! CC IS company commanders. We are a grass-roots, voluntary forum that is by and for the profession with a specific, laser-beam focus on company-level command. By joining, you are gaining access to an amazing community of professionals who love Soldiers and are committed to building combat-ready teams.

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