Wednesday, December 19, 2018

"This Is Marketing" by Seth Godin - You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See

It would be fair to say that I am not aware of anyone who has had more influence over the development of the field marketing in the past twenty-five years than Seth Godin. I religiously read his frequent pithy blog postings, order each new book as it is published, and have traveled to hear him speak on several occasions. I even attended a full day seminar at his workshop in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Seth possesses a unique combination of gifts; he is insightful, innovative, and inspiring. He has figured out over the years how to put his ideas to work in ways that improve society, and he freely teaches others to emulate and modify his lessons to apply in their own lives and careers.

"This Is Marketing" is Set's latest offering. He turns many sacrosanct marketing principles on their head, and demonstrates that there is wisdom and profit to be made in going after the "Smallest Viable Market." This book is a manifesto that proclaims that real marketing must change the world for the better. It is time to stop spamming, and time to start working to understand the mind of the consumer, and to find ways to help them to make better decisions. Intruding into people's space - especially on line- is no longer viable or effective. Seth was a pioneer in Permission Marketing, and in this book, he outlines the philosophy and the practice of earning the attention of the customer and potential customer. He makes the point that marketing changes people for the better through the judicious use of stories, connections, and shared experiences. He gives a very clear explanation of semiotics and the proper use of symbols in marketing

If you are a fan of Seth Godin, you have probably already ordered this book. If you are not yet a Godin disciple, reading this book would be a wise first step on a journey of discovery following in the footsteps of this member of the Marketing Hall of Fame.


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