My sister was kind enough to forward me information about a new service from Google:
Here's a number worth putting in your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411. This is an awesome service from Google, and it's free -- great when you are on the road, or just looking to order a pizza from home.
I am driving along in my car and I need to call the golf course and I don't know the number. I hit the speed dial for google 411.
The voice at the other end says,
"City & State?"
I say, "Garland, Texas."
He says, "Business, Name or Type of Service?"
I say, “Firewheel Golf Course."
He says, "Connecting."
And someone at Firewheel Golf Course answers the phone. How great is that? This is nationwide and it is absolutely free! Save this # in your phones. 1-800 Goog-411 [1 800 466-4411] And it does even more - Click on the link below and watch the short clip for a quick demonstration.
I just tried the service, looking for a “diner” in Arlington, Massachusetts. Within a few seconds, I was talking to someone at the Mass. Ave. Restaurant and Diner in Arlington.
They also have a text messaging service that is similar. If you text the name of what you're looking for, along with the city and state to google (46645), it will send you listings via text message. Very handy.
you can also text cha-cha by texting to the number 242242 any question that you have, and live people look up your questions and respond to you it is free and easy
Another number is 1-800-FREE411, which has two big advantages: first, it has business, gov't, and residential listings (the Google # only has business), and second, 1-800-FREE411 will text Mapquest driving directions to your cell.
Give this number a try as well.
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